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Nestled between the purple haze-infused sexual revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the anarchic chaos of punk rock, something strange happened in the world of rock music. Glam Rock fused high camp theatricals with driven anthems and fist-pumping tunes. Appealing to the young and impressionable, the movement even dragged in many of contemporary music’s more relevant names.

However, the sins of the period are also well documented, with Gary Glitter and DJ Jimmy Saville being publicly exposed some years later. One name which doesn’t get mentioned as often is Danny Dazzler.

Dazzler’s flame of fame arguably burned brightest in his own mind, but after a short-lived moment in the spotlight, his fall from grace was so odious the music industry and mass media conspired to starve him of the thing he craved most: publicity.

Now, for the first time ever, and more than forty years after he first crawled into the public’s psyche, his story will be told.

Nonce! is a no-holds-barred exposé of Glam Rock’s nastiest specimen.